I'm new

I'm New

If you are new to the Philadelphia metropolitan area or simply interested in visiting Embracing Truth Ministries (ETM), we welcome you.

At ETM we offer pre-worship Sunday school for all ages beginning at 10:00AM. Our worship services begin at 11:15AM sharp and are filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit of God.

For those uniting with ETM we offer a New Member's Class that will answer all of your questions (regarding our ministry) and point you in the right direction for success and victory in your Christian walk. Our "New Member's Class" meets at 10:00AM and is designed to orientate and help new members assimilate into the church.

If you are searching for a church where the Word of God is taught and preached without compromise and the people are warm and friendly then ETM is the right choice.
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!